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Photographed by Aat Vuik

Location: Near Hlamvu river along the S50 in Mopani area.

Date: February 23th 2009.
Photographed by Richard Brett

Location: Mopani area.

Date: December 28th 2009
Photographed by Richard Brett

Location: Mopani area.

Date: December 21h 2011
Updated: September 11th 2016 Photos by Richard Brett
Tuskers of Kruger
Both tusks are curved inwards, but tips of both tusks have been broken
Left ear: V shaped notch at the lower part. Right ear:  Several notches and a hole
ID marks Tusks:
ID marks Ears  :
Hlamvu is named after the small river between Mopani and Shingwedzi
To > Page with ID Details 
Photographed by Richard Brett

Location: Mopani area.

Date:August 19th 2016

Northern region